Prophesy of pendor baggage train
Prophesy of pendor baggage train

prophesy of pendor baggage train

Indicators such as (o-i) and (e-u) mark words in which two vowels do not form a diphthong in normal pronunciation.Ī A N A (letter, musical note) a PREP at, in, on (point in space or time) to (movement)

prophesy of pendor baggage train

Abbreviations ABBR = abbreviation ADJ = adjective ADV = adverb BR = British English COMP = compound word (verb + noun) CONJ = conjunction DET = determiner INTERJ = interjection N = noun NUM = numeral PL = plural PREF = prefix PRENOM = prenominal (used before a noun) PREP = preposition PREVERB = preverbal (used before a verb) PRON = pronoun SUF = suffix US = American English V = verb VI = intransitive verb VT = transitive verb

prophesy of pendor baggage train

A printable English–LFN dictionary can be downloaded from the same location. This is a printable copy of the master dictionary held online at. Lingua Franca Nova (LFN) is an auxiliary constructed language created by Dr C George Boeree of Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania.

Prophesy of pendor baggage train